Sustainable Tourism: How to Travel with Minimal Environmental Impact

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Sustainable Tourism: How to Travel with Minimal Environmental Impact


Sustainable tourism is based on the idea that all modern travel involves using non-renewable resources to experience different places around the world for individuals. However, there are ways to mitigate the negative impacts that travel and tourism have on natural habitats and people all over the world.

The focus on reusable energy and a more circular economy has been driving industry leaders to consider more sustainable practices that help them save money and resources. One key aspect of this effort in the tourism industry is providing opportunities for tourists to travel while lessening their impact on the places they go. This helps to eliminate wasted resources as much as possible. Here are some ways travelers are participating in sustainable tourism:


  1. “Slow Tourism” – Environmental advocates have long recommended limiting air travel as a way to reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It is still estimated that 2.5% of greenhouse gases come directly from air travel. Slow tourism refers to conscious avoidance of air travel when possible. Instead of flying to a distant city to our own for a week, spend that time exploring a place closer to where you live utilizing public transit or even automobile transit, which is still more sustainable than planes.
  2. Choose accommodations and destinations according to sustainability. More hospitality and tourism companies are shifting their business models to accommodate a lower impact on greenhouse gas emissions. Check for hotels that source their foods and other products from local areas or have reduced their use of non-renewable materials, or have taken other measures such as reducing the frequency of room service or reduced single-use consumables.
  3. Green local travel. Many tourist destinations around the world provide guests with zero-emission modes of transportation, such as bicycles and walking paths, or low-emission modes, such as buses.

Sources: ¿Viajas de forma sostenible? Estos son los puntos a cumplir para hacerlo bien