Tradebe participates in the Ultra Clean Marathon

Two Tradebe teams participate in the Ultra Clean Marathon and win first place in the “plogger” category
- The Ultra Clean Marathon, in which 27 teams participated, managed to collect a total of 636kg of waste.
- Tradebe Running Club 2 and Tradebe Running Club 1 came 2nd and 3rd in the “Fastest Team” category.
- A total of €12,650 was raised between all the entries, which will be donated to charity projects.
The fifth edition of the Ultra Clean Marathon was held on Saturday, 18th March in the city of Vic, in the county of Osona. This sporting and environmental challenge consists of running while collecting abandoned waste in natural spaces (plogging). All the proceeds from the registration fees go towards nature conservation and environmental projects.
Two teams represented Tradebe as it participated in the short course (36km) competition for the first time, Tradebe Running Club – Team 1 and Tradebe Running Club – Team 2. Tradebe Running Club – Team 2 won first place in the “Plogger” category, which rewards the fastest team collecting the most waste, and second place in the “Fastest Team” category. Tradebe Running Club – Team 1 also made it onto the podium in third place in the “Fastest Team” category. Both teams collected more than 24kg of waste.
Amongst all the entries, the Ultra Clean Marathon has managed to raise a total of €12,650 that will go to the different environmental organisations for the conservation of nature that have been chosen by the participating teams. In the case of Tradebe, the two associations chosen to make the solidarity contribution were SUBMON, for its “Conserve the Mediterranean seabed” project and the Fundació Projecte Boscos de Muntanya and its “Conserve the Pyrenees” project.
Congratulations to Javi, Jon, Lluís, Oliver, Neus, Eva, Quim, Natalia, Jordi, Alberto, Vladanka and Laura for their great work!
Don’t miss the video summary!