Ethical Channel

Welcome to the TRADEBE Ethical Channel

In order to prevent, discover and sanction breaches or violations of the Code of Ethics or of the TRADEBE Compliance Program, in general, or other irregularities or violations of the applicable legislation that may occur by members or managers of the Group or third parties with whom TRADEBE is professionally related or linked, as well as to raise doubts or queries, this Ethical Channel has been established, which enables anyone with knowledge of such infractions to inform the Head of the TRADEBE Ethical Channel, including anonymously.

All regulations concerning the Ethical Channel can be found in the Ethical Channel Usage Policy.

What should be reported through the Ethical Channel?

  • Any breach of the Code of Ethics or other internal regulations, processes and controls that make up the TRADEBE Compliance Program.
  • Any violation of the applicable legislation in force.
  • Any contingency that may pose a risk to TRADEBE’s reputation.
  • Doubts or queries regarding the implementation of the Compliance Program.

In any case, the content of any report made must be related to conduct or actions committed by members of TRADEBE or collaborators, suppliers, contractors, subcontractors and other third parties with whom TRADEBE is professionally related or linked.

The Ethical Channel must not be used to falsely accuse others and false information must not be provided. Likewise, any kind of retaliation against persons who make a report in good faith is expressly prohibited. This also applies to family members, employees and other persons related to the person making the report. Likewise, all reports will be treated confidentially. You can find more information in the Ethical Channel Usage Policy.

Who can make a communication?

The Ethical Channel is accessible to:

  • All members of TRADEBE, including trainees, volunteers, employees in training, former employees and candidates in a selection or negotiation process.
  • Shareholders, participants and persons belonging to the administrative, management or the supervisory body of a company, including non-executive members.
  • Contractors, subcontractors and suppliers, as well as persons working for them

To send a report

You can send a report to the Ethical Channel by the following:

Click here to read the Privacy Policy.