How to have a festive and eco-friendly Christmas this year

November 28, 2022
Corporate, Environmental Services
Image for: How to have a festive and eco-friendly Christmas this year

Christmas is a time of cheer and joy the world over, but it can also be a time of excess. Families around the world are pitching in to do their part to preserve our ecological resources at a time when they’re expected to crank up the heat, turn the lights on, and purchase a multitude of gifts. But that doesn’t mean you have to cancel Christmas this year or turn into a Grinch. There are plenty of ways to have a festive Christmas without burning a hole in your budget.


Being conscious of ecological issues during the holidays doesn’t have to mean skimping on some of the best parts. Instead of buying new decorations every year, and throwing them out several weeks later, store your decorations away safe for next year and re-use them. This alone can help cut costs at a costly time of year and can preserve annual decorating traditions for your family.

You can even seek out decorations made from recycled materials to help curb the consumption and production of plastic and other petroleum-based materials.


Real trees are, in fact, the preferred option for an eco-friendly Christmas. Plastic trees are, of course, re-useable, but they are also made from materials that typically don’t break down in the natural environment. The best option is to use a smaller, potted tree that you can still decorate but will hang around for months or even years after this Christmas. It’s the ultimate re-useable option.


Every Christmas, you can expect to go through a ton of paper. Wrapping paper, cards, and decorations can be found made of recycled material, or even made at home, which will help you save money too. These tips are sure to keep your eco-friendly Christmas both festive and still ecologically sound.