IMG 4988

Port Services

Pioneering port storage solutions

Image for: Safe bulk liquid storage in key european ports

Safe bulk liquid storage in key european ports

Barcelona & Hamburg

Tradebe Port Services offers safe and sustainable storage solutions for bulk liquids in two of the main European ports: Barcelona and Hamburg.

Our modern facilities are designed to store a wide range of products including fuels, chemicals, vegetable oils and new energy products. We are committed to minimizing the environmental impact of our operations by using the latest technology to reduce energy consumption/emissions and by participating in environmental certification programs.

Image for: Streamline your logistics and supply chain with our advanced infrastructure and knowledge

Streamline your logistics and supply chain with our advanced infrastructure and knowledge

Experienced and dedicated team

We optimize our customers’ supply chain and offer a wide range of services, including reception and storage of bulk liquids, transshipment of products, quality control and inventory management, value-added services such as blending and dilution with an experienced and dedicated team. We are always cooperating intensively with our customers to offer customized solutions to meet their specific needs.

Image for: High-speed operation and precise mixing for optimised logistics

High-speed operation and precise mixing for optimised logistics

Tradebe prioritizes speed, flexibility, and custom mixing to deliver exceptional value to your business. Our engineered systems maximize loading and unloading speeds, while our optimized mixing systems ensure precise product specifications.
We are committed to developing this business worldwide, meeting the increasing logistical demands of the globalized market with modern infrastructure and high value-added services.


Tradebe Port Services expands its geographical presence into Germany, with the acquisition of TWG, and improves its services to its customers, as it can now store a broader array of products with a larger total capacity in two prime locations.

Image for: Tradebe Port Services


Tradebe Port Services

Tradebe Port de Barcelona
Image for: Tradebe Hamburg Port


Tradebe Hamburg Port

Tradebe Port of Hamburg

Reference Law 4/2013 |   In accordance with Royal Decree-Law 41.1 c), from the law 34/1998, we use a traffic light code to indicate the storage availability for petroleum products in our terminals

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Tradebe Port Services

Explore cutting-edge facilities and tailored solutions for chemical and energy products in key european ports